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Why I Hate Your Kids (Free verse) by vito0090
Hate it is a strong word,
but it's the one that I'm going to use.
Because your kids are driving me crazy
with their auditory abuse.
I'm minding my own business,
but your rats are ill-behaved.
If I had my druthers,
then they would be enslaved.
They're messy and they're smelly
all coated with sticky grape jelly,
they must touch everything they see
and they smell rancid, like stale pee.
They yell at nothing, and cry at anything
and completely lack consideration,
being that we're in a public place
could you please control that abomination?
I know you think they're cute,
but I'm sorry, I can't agree.
If that little shit doesn't leave me alone
I'll lay him across my knee.
I'll administer a little discipline
that you're unable or unwilling to do yourself.
A little authority never hurt,
towards one who's putting me through hell.