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Highlights From a Conversation at the Laundromat (Free verse) by bunniesnangels
He tells me he's going to kick some guy's ass
and I ask what happened, figuring he's
been jumped or vandalized or something,
and he says the guy's been talking about him
behind his back, and when I say "all right, but
did he commit some kind of crime against you?"
he tells me "no, but he?s been saying stuff
about me for the last three years. I couldn't do
anything about it before because he was too young,
but now that he's of age, I'm taking him down."
"Okay, so he's 18 and you're 39 and all he's doing
is talking and you think it's worth fighting about?"
and he insists "if someone was talking about you
that way, you'd do the same thing," which is a stupid
thing for him to say since he knows that You Know Who
has been dissing me behind my back for ages but
I always say that getting revenge would make me
an even more petty and pathetic person than her.
My fourteen-year-old is listening and she tells him
that he sounds like some of the boys in her class.
I make the point that as the older and supposedly wiser
adult with above-average intelligence and tons
of life experience, he ought to be setting the example
by using wits instead of fists, but he's determined,
and I think he actually will beat the guy down
eventually, compelled to act by instincts and forces
that he doesn't (or pretends not to) understand.
And so America goes to war.