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Beauty, sleeping (Free verse) by Ranger

Hers was not an apple But Icarus in a jetplane Wanting to fly out of bed To break the glass of the tower Then transform into a phoenix I attempted to rescue her But the thorns got her first Scratched her eyes No matter how much I cried She still couldn't see me She longed for a Prince To spin her a ladder of gold Climb past her mother Swing through the window But this Captain, riding his stallion Had a kingdom to manage So I left her to stamp and hurl lettuces And fairies They cast a spell at me I dodged and she slept for a hundred years I wept in the woods There the wolf wept too, for his grandma was dead He huffed And puffed And blew the princess away What a big heart you have

Ranger 5-Feb-03/12:09 PM
Not only are you a sarcastic bastard, you also make no sense. What are you talking about? Grimm one and Grimm two probably wouldn't say a thing about this poem, mainly because they're dead. How could you have (note that it should be 'have', not 'of') ever doubted me what? What the fuck are you on about? Please explain. Also please explain the whole Brit poppers thing.

Sooo...that over, what is so bad with this one as to warrant it a zero, may I be so bold as to ask? You don't seem to like any style other than your own, is that all that's wrong with this? Or is it really a huge pile of shit? Huh? Huh?

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