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Small Town Tavern (Other) by NinjaPoet

He's been drinking home-made wine and reading Bukowski so watch out boys and I swear I seen him eat some kind of mushroom over an hour ago and now his blood is popping on his way to the jukebox to pull the plug on AC/DC Metallica ready to eyeball fuck any man in the room. He throws up two bucks and a quarter for a black glass of stout, climbs the bar and yells absurd things mostly before being shot in the head by the bartender's spritzer.

Shardik 30-Jan-03/6:20 PM
That would be funny. Let's invent labels for illegal drugs. Obviously we'll target the dealer's market in bulk quantity's..
our sale pitch will be <stick a note dope, why leave yourself a note that's already there> yes YES! I CAN SEE IT ALL
NOW! different colors, textures, scratch and sniff ahhhhhhhhshah big type, little type, lsd friendly labels...anti
paraNOIAAA LABELS SWEET JESUS MAKE THE VOICES GO AWAY!!!!!!!! we could make labels that beep with a
remote device like an avalanche victim or car could entertain your friends with it like "hey watch this
guys...lets see where i hid my dope last night"...and you would press the button and a voice would emit from the box
of kleenex and say addict addict over over and everyone would could make it chirp..or bart simpsons could tell jokes we COULD MAKE LABELS THAT SELL THE DRUGS FOR YOU, WHILE
could just fucking make the labels out of drugs then just label the people when they reach the age of twelve...cvhirp
smirp bur burp bur tickity dert sery top in frucker <sorry we interupt our show to bring you an enlightening yet
pointless fool proof ad [buy nikes..or else they'll by you] {tv implodes everyone claps, angels queef in siccinct
orchestral melodies...yet i once again turn and depart unfuckingsatisfied} thanks god, for a nation of finks where
nobody has any privacy or can mind there own fucking business...and the words to describe to my three year old son
what a gun is. aint that kool. pause for effect. whatever./i told him only if they're green and see through i guess i still
have a week until they invent that..shit bachus already did..also this comment is brought to you by 'depends' the only
way to hide an embarassing moment why? well that depends. d

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