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white harvest (Other) by <~>

the stairwell is ripe: at the edges of steps, a startling scree addressed to me is heaped in sharp-edged stacks and at every slam it shifts and scatters clutters passage so that others shove it back pushing through the narrow path 'twixt and 'tween the white and metered avalanche that once was a landing I shake my head and skitter past uncompelled to claim the mass of claims that vie to catch my eye, and thus, my checkbook until at last the mounds of mail cascade onto the mat so none may pass unharrassed, unhindered through this nook I sigh, I stoop collect these dues my fruits of neglect and shudder at the massive task spread out before me I gather what is left inside and promise (again) that I will tend with diligence ...once spring arrives

<~> 17-Jan-03/9:23 PM
yes. heavily. drinking, that is. so nice of you to join me this evening. no, of course i don't mind, in fact, i'm flattered you'd go to such lengths to get the interview.

hmm, let's see, what do i do for a living? well, for the sake of keeping me living, i get in as much music as possible. took up the fiddle this year you know. (yes, yes! another dringk for the lady and myself. (YES! OF COURSE DOUBLES!) sorry, baba, so hard to get good help these days.

where were we? oh, yes, living. and out-of-doors--absolutely necessary to take it all in. love the smell of wet earth. it's a diifcult time for me, winter. especially since the electro-shock therapy, you know, to stop the addiction. to sex. you saw it on the news? i thought so. who didn't, really. perhaps if i had left the boyscouts alone... but they had such a bad rap for all that homosexuality lately, and well, i was just doing my part, i thought. funny how many of them weren't prepared. they are now, though.

poets. 5 of them?
1. emily d-- obviously.
2. e.e.--the man knew the language inside and out, and i hate him and love him for the things he did with it.
3. walt whitman--was there ever a bigger ego? a man so enamored of his way of being? i wanna party with that cowboy!
4. lewis carroll for the worlds he created. nonsense words like those in jabberwocky--marvelous display of form and function and feeling fusing! amazing.
5. shakespeare. not often thought of as a poet--the man could turn a phrase to make your head spin. more so in his plays than his poems, but zounds! he was gut.

okay, you asked another question here, right? ah, yees, favorite places---

1. lost lake, westwood trails, cockaponsett state forest, guilford, ct. i hike here.
2. york harbor, maine
3. grasmere
4. prismatic springs
5. grand canyon

i think you see how they are linked? i don't much care for cities, baba. see you at the next question, dear.
yes, the ladies' room is upstairs, 1st door on the left. you have to jiggle the handle after you flush.

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