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just plain orange (Free verse) by New Life Drug
Inviting calm orange
It fills the background like candy to my eye
As a drift slowly
I see the orange of 1,000 orchards
and feel heat rays from upon the skies settling
on my smoothe skin
So nestled with the space around me
Oranje, the color of freedom
Still sunsets and fragrant fruit
Days of sleeping beneath somber warmth
It echos within my soul
Deep down a steamy fuzzy orange
Dormant oils and smells come to life as I relax
They tingle, the orange spritz
The pure color in tone to my life
A sigh of relief
For it is orange, and it has come to take thee away
Sweet conjure of taste and bright memories of a child's
Playing softly and foggy, the orange cascades to my fingertips
I escape in all that is orange and I am in the quiet serenity forever
and ever