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Dynamic Duo (Free verse) by INTRANSIT

YO! HORUS! Gimme that torch over there Imma cut a hole in this hull. He's a cross dressin' faggot a maggot. Who cost' many dimes in our minds from givin' him directions to find his erection. This is serious. He's got no materials! He writes about Fags Aids and shite I'm not kiddin' that's a short list! He gets his dresses at K-Mart Thats why they fall apart. And remember people, even after all this we still don't know what his gender is! AND This guy's a fool in school He's flat, poems are wack! He goes way back past the jurassic. He should be throttled stuffed in a bottle and sent to a faraway land his style is canned! He's only got one style walked a short mile. His shit can't be sold 'cause he's pigeonholed himself, put him on a shelf. We should drop his poetic ass and send him back to class! SO They're Batman and Robin slobbin' and knobbin' Two blonde little girls hair all curled, holdin' hands lost in the world. They can't hold wives 'cause they wrote their lives. I've seen egos before they always find the back door. So don't patronize me or criticize me or play innocent with loaded questions about what I say on the C.B. And I never used the F-word so here's the bird! (mic feedback)

INTRANSIT 15-Nov-02/5:41 PM
Which pile of shit were you referring to? I give lots of 10s. They're free. Want one? Ok seriously, there's a lot of stuff I like here. I prefer to score on the upper-half as often as I can. I was more referring to your singular style of poetry.You even admitted that in another conversation somewhere. Can you iambic pentameter? If you can, I'd really like to see it. seriously. I'll concede on the trucker talk. Hair? No. I'm still going through puberty. Indiana's rather flat. Colorado,Utah,Oregon, and Washington burn up brakes and trailers quite nicely though. "run to your wife"? Nah. Just an overnight jihad before posting.(I lost). Gods Wife adors you or at least your writing. I'm sure she would do what ever she could to offer help if you actually needed it.Two suggestions: Do NOT eat from the truck stop buffet. And don't feed the bears. Not even the she bears. Why porn and tugging if you have a wife? Nevermind. I suffer from same. And one final thing about food. If I could go elsewhere with a car hauler, I would. Dennys is better. Truce bruce? Your serve. gotta go. mommys got cookies and milk waiting.

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