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Dynamic Duo (Free verse) by INTRANSIT

YO! HORUS! Gimme that torch over there Imma cut a hole in this hull. He's a cross dressin' faggot a maggot. Who cost' many dimes in our minds from givin' him directions to find his erection. This is serious. He's got no materials! He writes about Fags Aids and shite I'm not kiddin' that's a short list! He gets his dresses at K-Mart Thats why they fall apart. And remember people, even after all this we still don't know what his gender is! AND This guy's a fool in school He's flat, poems are wack! He goes way back past the jurassic. He should be throttled stuffed in a bottle and sent to a faraway land his style is canned! He's only got one style walked a short mile. His shit can't be sold 'cause he's pigeonholed himself, put him on a shelf. We should drop his poetic ass and send him back to class! SO They're Batman and Robin slobbin' and knobbin' Two blonde little girls hair all curled, holdin' hands lost in the world. They can't hold wives 'cause they wrote their lives. I've seen egos before they always find the back door. So don't patronize me or criticize me or play innocent with loaded questions about what I say on the C.B. And I never used the F-word so here's the bird! (mic feedback)

poetandknowit 15-Nov-02/4:42 PM
I do not envy his liberties, where did that one come from. And I am not having problems with my wife other than those I create in my head. And I am fair game. If I inspire you to write such trash, then so be it. And you use trucker talk all of the time. I like it, so I use it back. Your own paranoia makes you think it is patronizing. I have nothing to patronize you on. I quite frankly like the ice cream served at truck stops. I believe it is a variation of ice milk. I have also been known to dabble in the porn booths they offer out west. It gets lonely on the road. And it is much easy to tug away in a stationary position rather than in motion. Besides, how would you explain that one to a police officer? Unless, of course, it was a policewoman. Then she would understand. And maybe even join in for a second round. I was asking you the same. I know nothing else about you other than you drive a truck full of cars. I hate cars, especially the ones you have mentioned driving from point to point. If I were you, I would just let the trailer go when you are parked on a hill somewhere in Indiana. Quit eating so many donuts while you drive. The sugar is jacking with your head. So put down all of you imaginary weapons and go run to your wife and tell her poetandknowit was mean to you again. Although I wasn't. 10-4. Good buddy. Oh, by the way, considering you would give a pile of shit a 10 I find it rather funny that in your poem you attempt to jab at work of such fine quality. Over and out. Roger Wilco. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. And while I am at it, Gods Wife is not "there" for me. I have never met her and she barely answers my e-mails. So stop imagining things.

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