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One Country (Free verse) by poetandknowit

You are standing in Doan's house, built strong to fight the upslope in an alluvial valley west of Fresno, hidden from the desert by fading hills revealing secrets one year at a time. In this place we can meet without discretion, where harvest ended long before these early days of October when darkness does not bend troubling even stars navigating from horizon to horizon, and the wind's new chill still feels thick and fertile blowing past fields barren in bounty. In this dream, I can wrap my arms around you as the woman in a photograph I found on a street some years ago of a place I have never been, although now it is Mendoza or La Rioja, and you are staring away from the camera all the while knowing it is there. In this dream I come as teacher and apprentice to you humming with Gardel's birdsong in the kitchen heat, sweat lights your skin, En unos labios ardiente dejar una promesa hips swaying, arms kneading flat dough for semolas quiero calmar los enojos siempre mintiendo amor and sweet bread bakes in the oven In this place I have bent to my knees, prayed for disappeared mothers and stolen sons, swallowed the dirt of your country, just to feel a part of you.

poetandknowit 12-Nov-02/12:50 PM
Wow, now you have stooped to the level of deleting comments. You were asking for suggestions for the sequel to your comic ditty or attempt at a joke or whatever you might call this shit you write and I complied, and now you once again make off the cuff attacks. Look you ignorant fool, if you cannot say anything about the work at hand, which you cannot, why must you make yourself out to be a heartless idiot. You have not only proved that with your insulting and childlike comments but also with your infantile attempts at clever poems. My mother was not a bitch. She was quite a splendid woman. You will most likely never accomplish half of what she did in her short live because you carry a chip on your shoulder the size of Miami and probably spend way too much time watching bad movies and wallowing in self pity and angst. Your previous comment was ridiculous and your attempt at an apology was ridiculous, just as you are ridiculous. I have been nothing but civil in our debates, merely commenting on you rudeness and continually insulting comments based on nothing but ignorance (refer to all the comments made about the loss of innocent life). Just because you have a tough lot or are an angry young woman who simply needs to see a bit of the world before they open there mouth, does not give you the excuse to be a pathetic human.

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