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everyone sucks. (Free verse) by kliq
Who shall I vote for?
A conservative who believes I should stay at home.
Or a labour man that would have me be a whore.
That is all the choice I have
And it's more than my mother ever wanted.
"Women should stay at home" she used to tell me
We should only cook, clean and be raped if needed
That was her opinion, she had even less choice.
My father never manhandled her
But he did what she told him to do
He had less power than her.
I don't want power, power is fickle.
Respect is cold.
Love is warm but unforgiving
All I want is choice.
Therefore I can choose to be cold.
Choose to be free.
And If I want to be a whore
Then I'll whore to the best of my ability
Do not forget that I am woman
I am all woman
And I will always be a woman.
The choice is mine.