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Strong (Free verse) by little_angel_maria

I wont let you bring me down, I wont let you cuss me, I wont let you ruin my life, I wont let you take away what i worked so hard to get, I wont let you ruin my life, Oh hell no! Because I'm strong, Oh yes! I am strong. I can make it i'm strong, Oh yes! Somehow I will make it on my own. I wont let you kill my inner self, I wont let you make me a scared freak, Oh hell no I won't, I'm strong and yes I can make it on my own. My friend blade will be there for me if things get tough, Oh yes I can make it, I wont let you say my poems are crap, I wont let you be rude to other people, I wont let you kill America, OH hell fuck no! I wont let you discriminate latinos or black people too. Because i am Maria and I am strong

Tintagiles 21-Oct-02/12:04 PM
My dear girl, I have no problem. (Apart from being insane, of course.) I am naturally rude. And I am not 'on your case', as you put it. I comment on many poems and am rude to many people if I consider their poetry to be bad. I have taken to going on once a day or so and voting and occasionally commenting on all the poems in the 'Recent' section. Your request that I leave you alone leads us to believe that we are not allowed to comment on your poetry unless we like it. Maria darling, the world doesn't work that way. By posting your poetry here, you are implicitely inviting us to comment, and if you cannot accept negative criticism without these various overreactions of yours, you are doomed. There is a pack of very nasty jackals on this site (i.e., when there's no one around to slaughter, we turn on each other). I happen to be a member of it. If you want to make your life as a poet (or at least a large part of it), you'll have to understand that it's impossible for everyone to like your poetry. there will be bad reviews. there will be laughter. Everyone on this site has received comments like that. Get used to it. If your only retaliation whenever someone doesn't like something you wrote is 'Why are you so fucking rude?' you won't go very far, I'm afraid. No one will listen to you or read you. I am not on your case because it's you: I genuinely don't find your poetry very good. If one fday you post a poem I truly like, I will say so, and mark you high, and say congratulations. But so far, you haven't.

I'm still amused that you always answer anything I say by 'Why the fuck are you rude?' You are apparently a very sensitive girl -- in the sense that it takes nothing to set you off. Your explosion on my comment on 'Daywalker' went far beyond the bounds of anything it merited -- and if I commented on this one as I did, it is because I confess I considered it something of a personal attack.

You see, girl, if I consider your poetry to be bad, I am not going to kneel down and sing an Ave Maria for you: I am going to express my opinion on the poem. That is the point of eing allowed to comment. Free speech and all. This particular poem amused me greatly. Let's dissect it, shall we?

It comes across as a whine, trying to convince yourself. 'I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong.' If you are strong, then you can accept criticism. You needn't blow up at every little comment. 'I won't let you cuss me' -- assuming, as most people will, that you're referring to us, I'm afraid it's a fact that you can't stop us. We are entities in cyberspace. We can say what we will. You can't track us down, and I doubt anyone but nentwined could stop us from doing anything. Sorry. If you can make it on your own, then why do you need all the flattery of those who like your poetry? 'Blade will be there for me if things get tough...' Whoo-pee. Good luck. What can I say, I consider Blade to be an utter idiot, probably wearing a plastic red-lined cape, fangs, and makeup two inches thick. And who probably hasn't had a bath in a month. And will be there for you if you let him drink your blood. Nice choice of friends. If that's the best you can do... And again, 'I won't let you...' -- in this forum, that is the equivalent of walking up to the White House and shouting 'I'm not gonna let you bomb Iraq, Bush. You're mean.'

As for my Asian comment, I simply found it extraordinarily funny that you'd stop us from discriminating against latinos and blacks, yet not mention anyone else. How terrible. The fact that you didn't notice it was a joke confirms my opinion that you have no sense of humour. And the final line: I'm shivering in my boots. Really. You're Maria. Nice to know you've got your name straight. Bra-vo.

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