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When Your Best Friend Says You Drink Too Much (Free verse) by jessicazee
In the mind of an outed alkie
Whose in fingered quotes a best friend
Who can't, in parentheses, take it anymore,
What's a girl to do?
You actually bite people,
I mean this without irony,
I've seen the marks of orthodontia
On my own friends like
So many pit bulls.
I remember shared stories
Laced with arsenic and too ripe cheese,
Old lace, new knitting,
And rediscovered grenadinisms.
(from the pomegranate like I was trying to say).
You can tell me I make up words,
But if I made them up
And you know
What I'm talking about,
Aren't those
Just old words
Coming back from the crypt
that we built together out of dry
leaves and sand?
I said graffitied;
Your words were all in French or Portuguese
When you were feeling international.
We may have altered languages,
But the tongues that let us have these things
Are bred in us
Like a cancer in the groin
Or a sweet pea seed
I thought was a bluish morning glory.