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song of the birds (Free verse) by rainbow

i walk in the forest i hear the crisp leaves crunch beneath my feet the sunlight shines upon my face the hawk cries i feel it's pain i smell the the forest i feel calm i watch the clouds pass by above my head i feel so alive i look around i feel so alone all by myself i have nothing left the golden sun hides from me the forest turns black it is no longer my friend the hawk cries once again i feel it's pain i feel my pain

Blue Magpie 9-Oct-02/8:54 AM
Hi Rainbow,
Is there a reason you have left out the punctuation and capitalisation, they are one of a poet's tools and give you more scope to express yourself if used properly.

The title is a little misleading here, but the experience is real enough, I have been there, it would be a better poem if you had identified the inner shadow more fully, why should you suddenly become selfconciously aware of your aloneness rather than of the forest's beauty. The answer is all in your mind.

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