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Losing Control (Free verse) by Tarquin De La Bog
OK class, now listen here
Yes Carl, that includes you my dear.
Now I've been asked to have a word
About your behaviour; it's quite absurd.
- Helen, leave Alex alone
And whose is that mobile phone?
Give it here - no, you don't need it now
You know that they are not allowed.
Class, your disrepect for authority
Saddens and depresses me.
You all must knuckle down and concentrate
Before time has gone, and it's too late.
These exams are crucial to your life
- Tim, give me that penknife.
You can have it back at the end of school
And never bring it again, you fool.
The time for clowning around has now gone;
You'll be out in the world before too long.
So boys, they'll be no more fighting
And girls, no scratching or biting.
- Nicola, sit up straight.
When will you lot equate
That hard work equals good marks?
- John, is that another of your farts?
It's not funny son, don't snigger like that
In fact, get out of my class you twat.
Stand where I can see you behind the door
And keep your eyes fixed upon the floor
Because if you start making faces through the glass
I'll be out there double fast
To give you such a bollocking you won't know
Your arse from your elbow.
- John, have you listened to a word I've said?
I didn't think so; go and see the head.
Tell him you've been ignorant again
And Karen, you can do the same.
I heard what you called me - I won't stand for it
Go on, piss off you little shit.
Why do I bother, why should I care?
- Simon, stop pulling Hannah's hair.
All I do is shout and moan,
I may as well go on home.
In fact, I think that's what I'll do,
And if you lot don't like it, you can try and sue.