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Life Of Sorrow (Other) by squall1leonheart
Why is life so full of sorrow?Why do people feel rejected,hurt,crushed
as if they were nothing?Why are people so depresed,angry at themselfs,
and fell like they have no meaning?Why is life so full of sorrow?Why
cant people see inside themselfs,find there courge and heart?Why cant
life be more interrestig to the people like this?They wonder if they
will ever over come this problem,but I am sad to say they will not see
the light at the end of the tunnel.As these people sit and wonder they
also know that they will not see the light.Even though I am not one of
these people,I sometimes feel like them depressed,sad,feel like I am
destroyed.Even as I look at every thing I have,I wonder if I will ever
be like this.And I know it will never happen.Soon i relize that anything
is posoble.