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All because of you (Free verse) by Artificial_Sweetner

Why do you give me so much griefe? Siucides my only form of relief. Relief from them, relief from you, Relief from all the things you do. Why do you want to hurt me so much? Why does my pian amuse you such? Nobody out there can help me now, I must get through this myself somehow. But why should I this eternal pain? Suicide will relaese this strain. Hold the blade so close to my wrist, All I need now ne final twist But why the hell should I let them win? Make THEM suffer for the pain I'm in. Makes them suffer three times as bad, But would that really make me glad? To now I made someone feel like this, Forced them towards the devils kiss. The pain I feel is just too strong, I know my first choice wasn't wrong! It's over now my life is done, So much for teen years being fun. Sharpen the blade this needs to be right, Lie down and say my last goodnight. by Stacey Jones

Tintagiles 25-Sep-02/9:54 PM
Why does your pain amuse us so much? Because it's so paltry, boring, cliched, misspelt and amusing. That's all,
Stacey dear, that's all.

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