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When The Iron Curtain Came Down (Free verse) by RoseEyes
Surrounded by sirens
Of people hiding their eyes
From a soft heart
With the shell like diamonds
Into a familiar world of one
To soar.
A baby Raven sings perched
As the Crows flock overhead South.
No one hears his language
The skies fog lacks depth today.
We see the Raven as He is.
Will you come with me
To lavender fields where I can run?
I shall hold your hand
As we dance and allow the earth
To envelope us as we lie
Beside the endless stream.
We shall drink from the mist
Welcoming the winds caress upon our truth,
Reminding us of peace
Amidst the barriers that keep us apart.
Suddenly we are aware
Of the possibilities and light,
As we had not known.
Fear of the rain eludes you
A storm appears above in the grey.
Our hands touch, our eyes meet.
Simplicity speaks
As a butterfly flutters over you
Merely to wink.
Heaven smiles
As the wall comes crashing down
And I see.