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yellow afterthoughts (Free verse) by royalflesh

you can persecute us all, but it'll do little good on the back of matchbox. it'll do very little in the glory bar... where god drinks with the reindeer and fairytales... i know because he told me last night. they say, that these people walk into the world from out of town... bums, angels, expired monsters with lost teeth: old blue eyes and the evilboys. they call them bad days because they don't know the rulesof america or earth. i know a man that says if he knew hitler in high school he would kill him with a pocketknife. what a hero? my american hero... i think they named an omelet after him at a diner. bob dylan or pilate (can't remember come to think of it) said he would kill jesus in a nursery before his vermilion magic could spill in america. they're sort of right though, magic is mean. its holocause mean. i used to sit in the mud with hitler and jesus. we were neighbors in winter you see. jesus came from a broken home, goddamn what a prankster he was. he told hitler that all the fashion models were catwalking in new york with high steps and funny waves. hitler was very pretty then and spent a million years trying to imitate those pictures. i guess he should have went to new york instead of auschewitz. hitler never was a jew. he always believed in jeses. that was the joke. but we were pretty good kids back then, before books. i had no idea hitler would become such an arnsonist. and who would have thought jesus was a junkie, all those needles in his veins pretending to be nails. heroin is so convincing, at times. hindsight is 20/20 though. good thing we snuffed em out when we did i guess. but i had no idea they were coming for me today. this is where the yellow connections begin so pay close attention like a traffic light...

royalflesh 22-Sep-02/11:32 PM
HORUS8 - thanks for the suggestion...I too, agree. In the upmost respect, sir, you sit high upon my shelf of beauty, interest, and respect. Thank you. Please re-vote, if you please...the moon walks across the sky, eyeing the mysterious subject the entails humans..and others like you. (in a good way)

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