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O' Girl! (Free verse) by kawakurdi

O'girl! How much longer should you wash away the sadness of your eyes with tears? Look at the blue sky If all the stars do not smile together How can it be so bright and beautiful? Look at the gardens and orchards, If all the flowers and trees do not offer Their beauty, fragrance and shade, How can they be so lively and vibrant? Look at the honeycomb, If all the bees do not labour together, How can honey be so sweet and delicious? Look at my heart What a wasteland it will be, if you do not inhabit it! O' Girl! Give me your hand, Let's destroy these rusty walls Let's go out, out. To a world as vast as freedom As beautiful as love! O' girl! How much longer should you wash away The sadness of your eyes with tears? All the birds have opened their eyes And left their nests. How long will it take you to leave the four walls of your prison? O' girl! Put your hand in mine Carry the spade with me, Carry the pen with me Carry the gun with me, The new life which we are going to make Will be neither your jail Nor the solitude of my sadness.

INTRANSIT 22-Sep-02/6:13 PM
Positive messages love'em!!!The comparison is very noble. Trim and simplify a little, it'll smoke!

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