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He who walks behind the rows (Limerick) by Kraven_The_Wanderer
I hear Him walking early morn
He's outside and tending the corn,
Some call him monster some calle him Death
but we follow in his foot-steps with every breath,
We are the childeren that live here
He is our father we hold so dear,
There are those who think He's insane
but He gave us this place so free from pain,
I want to know why no ones else can see
that in the corn the childeren are free,
Here in the corn there only one rule
to traitors and outsiders are we crule,
No ones comes here no one would dare
even the thought could give them a scare,
The corn is a haven but to those ill of will
we all have one order and that order is kill,
For who would whisper or dare to offened
this place is our home in which we defend,
I want to no why the people are so scared
when they do to childeren what He never dared.