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Voice of the World (Free verse) by Dovina

They call us Third World below the Second below the First because we have less produce less suffer more But three are really one these days we can help you understand come and let us show you hear the One World voice Osama gives us food teaches kids to read Musharraf gives promises and sewage in the street Work all day to buy a chicken or dine on scraps of rich don’t say we have democracy and allies in the West Fill not the mouth of famine if you fear to make us strong but feed the brains of young ones not yet won to jihad’s cause Come and give them options show them one big world maybe we will kill you maybe they will not

ALChemy 25-Jan-08/2:08 PM
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" is as verifiable as any statement you've made thus far about religion.
The objective of each Jew is to survive. So say you tell a computer to calculate the most probable action to take to ensure the most survivors. The computer will calculate that the highest chance to maximize the survivor count will be to smother the baby. Certainly you could tell the computer to calculate how all could survive but it is obvious that percentage of success would by far less. Have one of your nerdy tech buddies test it out if you need verification. I'm simply saying that religion is what keeps the group from killing the baby. Religion is a moral rule agreed upon by a group. Certainly the mother and maybe a few other jews might decide to spare the child based on their emotional response and sense of what is right but in order to unite the group in their decision you need a collective moral agreement that is been most effectively done through religion.
Sometimes the scientific method is so inhuman that we chose an alternative. At least you show you're humanity through your Grinch-like actions. Most athiest i've met are about as fun as living under a rock.

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