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What the log book doesn't show (Free verse) by INTRANSIT

It cannot show how my hydraulic pump pushes red corpuscles scattering into the industrial sunrise of memory. This flat lined E.K.G. of time with no ink marks , blue or red, cannot show how long to build transparent links. It cannot show identical surf wagons chasing the other way, or gimcrack gifts at every stop. Or how I reach for the hill on the horizon, my hand doing a slow octopus crawl over its peaked crest. It doesn't show how much fuel I burn thinking about-- how quickly I go bankrupt at the cost. It shows when I'm in Freehold New Jersey, or Chambers, Texas but not what state I'm in. It won't show the mouse tear that eeks out at the corner, runs across and hides in the ear. If this record showed accurately what is between these lines it would show me half full, half empty.

Dovina 5-Jul-07/2:05 PM
Only if you don't know the following or don't care:

When you're driving a semi on a two-lane road at 65 mph in Kansas, and a sidewind is pressing on your left side, and you're overtaking a cyclist, and the grass alongside the road is tall, you will see the future in your right mirror. Even if you see nothing because there's no grass, the cyclist will bow her head, finger the breaks and prepare for a blast of wind on her back. It makes her wobble and sets the scene for suction that follows immediatly and can pull her under your trailer. Some truck drivers know this and care. They pass as far to the left as possible, and if traffic does not allow this, they slow down. Others either don't know or don't care.

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