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The Kissing (Free verse) by Skamper

Mouths gentle ingesting of the wetting sweeping tongues tangle - sending tingles to secret places I follow silken traces of kisses pausing only - for the licking on heated skin On heated skin you suckle – from nipples peaking at your touch I watch – green eyes slow closing lashes light sweep and…just when I speak the moaning you move again - from the crest to rest in the valley below In the valley below you rest upon the hearth between the arches of woman’s worth Let the murmurings begin The murmurings begin - their lyrical stirring while thumbs gentle pressings brings about the opening - you breathe I feel it from within your mouth covers hidden things forcing deep - my secret places weep I find the rhythm of the wetting Of the wetting you thirst circling thumbs - pulse – your tongue stills withdrawing - initiate licking heated flicking upon each aching lip that glistens I listen murmurings – the slipping of kisses Of kisses depth - I bud with every touch you dance me on the ledge to hang me there and your suckling lips partner tongues languid lickings I hear the murmurings from your mind to mine Cum with me Cum to me and your softly whispered request – Cum for me And I do freely - I cum upon your wetted lips I cum freely on your fingertips and I cum upon your dripping face I cum from within my secret place.

pete 15-Jun-07/6:42 AM
mmmmm .... hardly a zero; nice sexy rhythm to start of but to maintain momentum in a poem is more difficult than in actual sex and images ought to be stronger or the poem shorter .... imho

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