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Ein Kampf (Other) by Sasha

When an opponent declares “I will not come over to your side” I calmly say “Your child belongs to us already…What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.” -Adolf Hitler As I fell down in the covers And lay in wait for sleep, The shapes on the floor were an era Some seven decades deep And into the back of my eyelids I felt the ages climb And spring a trap on the roadway Before the hooves of Time And I marched for jeering Germans In one eternal row And tripped on an unhealed ankle Face down in the Polish snow, And the black boots beat like centuries On the days of my Jewish face And a soldier went for a tree branch And broke it like my race And Mama said to Papa “He is no longer mine” And the blood poured out on the snowbank Like cold communion wine In the cup of a father praying For Hans away at war While the golden tooth of the miser Ached for the other poor Decades away in a desert Beneath the Davidian sun Where the Jew who has built them a Ghetto Is glad to hold a gun And the settler has the harvest Hauled in by Arab men And reads “If I forget thee O Jerusalem...” Now Time spoke up on its haunches Holding my heart at bay: “My life is not your spirit, O dweller of today! Yes mankind is mere seasons That come and go and gyre, And what is the green of summer But fuel for the autumn’s fire? But salt will give no sugar Through any throttled sieve, So sit and count your blessings. They are not yours to give.” So I made my only duty to live and work and eat, but the son of the slave is a tyrant and bombs break out in the street.

Sasha 22-Apr-07/7:49 PM
They have, in fact, been slaves for centuries. What were they when Moses lead them out of Egypt? Somehow I doubt Pharaoh was paying them $5.15 an hour.

Tyranny is tyranny, regardless of its justification. Unlike the French, who simply returned to a land that had been taken from them within living memory (I should also add that the French today don't make religious homogeneity a prerequisite for citizenship,) the Zionists actually attempted to assert a claim over a land they hadn't had sovereignty over for well over a thousand years! It *is* tyranny to force people to violate their own religious practices (Ariel Sharon's crap with the Dome of the Rock), to impose your religious code on a population against its will (stores being criminalized for remaining open on the Sabbath), to demolish other people's land for the sake of a religiously justified manifest destiny and it is tyranny to suppress legitimate freedom of speech. (Imprisoning camera men for filming the Israeli police's abuses of power.) I've had Israeli friends hospitalized after shock grenades, fired from police cannons, exploded at their feet. Their only crime was peaceful demonstration. This is not comparable to anything the french did after WWII, and I'm having quite a visceral reaction to that comparison.

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