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Doctoring Stigmata (Pimple) by thepinkbunnyofdoom
I could play word games
And sell you on such things
As dreams of sky sailing
To look you in the eyes
If names mean anything
Then you can call me doctor
As I treat the wounded salvation
Sometimes I play these games
Counting up the battles
To add up the odds and ends
Of how these things occur
Strange situations and well placed cynicism
Tonight I'm a ringer
Playing the roll of gun slinger
Sometimes I think that Wilde was right
Every man does kill the thing he loves
So tonight I'm gunning down wishful thinking
Because we all know nothing makes my heart beat faster
Than running straight after, a brush with disaster
Wanting most what I can not have
Mainly because I can not have it
There is something to the thrill of the chase
The way the blood runs quick in a life or death race
I know better than reaching across oceans
Yet something in me aches for adventure
To save the poet's soul from dying
I must kill my muse again and again and again
The game must end, it must end, end, and end again, and again
I've always had a thing
For dangerous damsels
Dark haired stunners
With heart break severe
Now I fight with the mirror,
Screaming insults at myself
For failed attempts at thinking
That age lent wisdom