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Ah! That Love Would'st Lead Me (Concrete) by EggbertShootsFire
Ah! That Love would'st lead me
Down these garden paths in May
Entwining fingers passing
'Tween hazy fleurs flourishing
On a blurred and xanthene day.
Yet rather than that lovely visage
I've been gone and lead astray;
Afore these hours waking
I've no gentle whispers speaking
Save my heart, in sad dismay.
Ah! That Love would keep me
From Her torturing wing of thorns-
And the silent, fevered shadow
'Neath her brilliant-seeming halo,
Viewed solely by a love forlorn.
And would that I could leave him!
He, whose tone has pierced me through;
Clad in white and softly smiling,
With my tender heart left writhing,
As these shameless tears renew.
Ah! That Love would'st lead me
Toward His wond'rous arms outspread-
But alas; this springtide's turned,
And this lovely May's adjourned
With December in its stead.