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I Sleep (Free verse) by Sunny

I sleep to fight off yesterday’s embers, I sleep to separate one dawn from the next, I sleep as a nomad that listlessly tosses one day’s plain and settles in on another, I sleep to show the people my lovely side-my separated hair and glaring eyelids. Life remains outside, staining morning in it’s conclusions… when I sleep to dissever from reality, to discriminate from sin that divides my head into halves. I ramify from the heavy flesh, lazy and mortal, at night.

Ranger 24-Apr-06/2:10 PM
Good poem, but...

This is getting silly. The seven most recent poems all have no comments on. There are thirteen votes among the twenty most recent poems. I might even delete this comment if it means that we get a 20-most-recent-full with no comments whatsoever. Surely it's not that difficult to realise that if someone wants to get feedback they're going to have to give some? After all, it's been said more than enough times. You get what you give, and all that jazz. If you're not prepared to give votes and/or comments, what's the point in submitting poems? No attention will be paid to them, until the whole thing becomes redundant. It's a real shame, because a lot of the good poets have left poemranker, and they are the ones who a lot can be learnt from - and the majority of those who do remain have no reason to comment on poems by people who don't participate themselves.
If anything, commenting on other peoples' works makes you better as a poet: you learn to give appropriate readings to poetry and you pick up tricks from other poets. But first you have to apply a little time and effort to reading through poems and putting your thoughts down in print. And if you think that you already know enough about poetry to not have to waste valuable time this way, well that's fair why are you posting it on the internet rather than getting it published?
Sorry, Sunny, if this seems like I'm ranting at you - this is a general whinge. I should put it on the Suggestions board but a) wilco got there first, and b) the people who bother to check the suggestions tend not to be the ones at whom this is directed.

Is there really that good a reason why it's not possible for people posting to spend a little while giving feedback on the twenty recent entries?

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