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Genesis (Free verse) by Dovina

___________________________________________________ 1 In the beginning, God created heavens and earths. 2 And upon one of the earths, God made men in great numbers. 3 For His pleasure and in His image, God created men, and provided a problem worthy of their minds: He left them with too little food. 4 The evening and the morning were the first day. And God saw that it was good. 5 Seeing there was not enough food for all of them, the people fought and killed each other, and some of them horded food. Some starved, while others grew fat. 6 God saw the wickedness of man, that it was great in the earth, and it grieved God that he had made man. 7 God said, I will destroy man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, unless they repent. 8 And God sent aids and earthquakes and tidal waves to reduce their numbers, and when they still did not repent, but kept on fighting and hording, God sent the gentle birds with inborn death. 9 The evening and the morning were the second day, and great was the death in it. 10 Then pestilence rose up from the earth and fiery rocks fell from heaven until all the animals died, and only some plants remained alive. 11 The evening and the morning were the third day. 12 Then the mountains roared, and gray clouds blocked the sun, so the plants had no light; and all the plants died. 13 The evening and the morning were the fourth day. And God saw that it was good. 14 Then the water boiled and the earth became acid and hot. Venus clouds shrouded the earth, and nothing could live because of the acid and the heat. 15 The evening and the morning were the fifth day. 16 Then the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 17 On the sixth day, a probe descended, sent from another world. God saw the probe, that it was good, and took renewed pleasure in the mind of man. 18 God believed once more that man was strong, as He was strong, that man would understand. Created in His own image, they would understand. ______________________________________________

ALChemy 15-Apr-06/5:37 AM
I like your wording. It's very considerate to us believers. Your not insistant that we should have the same view in the way you present your ideas. Just ignore the posts that make you irritated, that's what I do. To me the zealots appear over secure. I'm mean they figure they got God on their side. I get very nervous when I'm driving next to one of those people with the plastic crosses hanging from their mirror or those Jesus on board bumper stickers. I mean they figure their going to heaven anyway. I'm not that kind of fanatic believer. I'm just more like an optimistic believer. I think it's just a very attractive idea and I have this need to believe there's something better to look forward to than what we've found we can expect through science. I have this saying; "God spoke us into being so that some day we might return the favor." Basically what I mean is man has this wonderful ability through time to fulfill his own dreams. One of the lines in a sonnet I posted was "We are the messiah of our dreams". What if some day we could have our brains plugged into a virtual heaven right before we die and our thoughts and wishes would effect it's reality. Not only could we meet our virtual God, we could actually be him if we wanted to. I think we'll some day figure out how to bring back the dead, I mean in a small way we already do. I think that the God we dream of today could be a reality in the future or at least a close proximity to it but for know my optimistic heart will go on believing in a natural God, you know, just to be on the safe side.

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