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The Battle of Fort Bragg (Free verse) by Dovina

I used to stand on grassy bluff of Fort Bragg’s ragged coast, observing the battlefield below— angry water versus steadfast land. Being young and full of motion, I sided with the sea. Attack was always quenched back then by strength of solid rock. Still I cheered the young and angry sea, and still it pounded. After many battles passed, some broken rocks, a lot of motion, I came again to grassy bluff, and looked from different view. Now memory moved, met solid desire, armies under different flags. Where before the rock was winning, the sea was breaking through. Gentle rolls still swelled in shallows near the shore, then toppled hard against the cliff. Resistance waned in longer view, Some rocks had slid away. Memory kept rolling in, breaking stone, dissolving need, taking it off in painful bits to spread beneath the sea.

ALChemy 12-Apr-06/7:39 AM
My point has been that this has been insane from the getgo.

To Zodiac: I was calling making fun of someone's beliefs an attack on their beliefs. If you must nitpick and say it's not technically an attack then fine but it's still done in bad taste.
Is an argument not a verbal fight? If someone comes up to you and starts a fight with you and you've done nothing to provoke them is that not an unprovoked attack? If someone starts arguing against your beliefs directly to you before you've done anything to provoke them is that not an unprovoked verbal attack?

Your the one with the problem. I've got no problem with you being an atheist. I've never gone to any atheist's poem and tried to start arguments about the existence of God. If I did I was surely being a twit that day and my appologies would be automatic. I CAN say something about God. God is the creator of all things and only when we know all things can we truly understand the glory of God completely. But nooo, you want me to give him a little fuzzy beard and dress him like Santa don't you? 'Cause then it's much easier to make fun of. Your just mad because I won't offer a God made of flesh to you so you can verbally crucify him. Fine, here you go, I believe Jesus is the son of God. I hope you'll feel better when you've proven to me what a fool I've been for believing.
Maybe I was being a little harsh on ecargo but how many times must I listen to my beliefs be compared to satirical images like purple living marshmellows driving Pintos on Saturn before I decide I'm officially offended.
Here's an opposing viewpoint: You walking down a street in Alaska and some guy you and your wife walked by at the store comes up to you and say's "Hey fella, Your wife is a slut. I've read this book that says all women that walk like that are sluts." Do you still think an opposing viewpoint can't in someway be an attack when not provoked. But I guess I was asking for it because some time way way back I must have mentioned something about a logical approach to God's existence. It's as if you were in a bar 2 years earlier and asked everyone if any of them knew your wife in any way and one of them was the guy who later came and said she was a slut. Had you said "This is insane" let's just forget about it earlier I would have agreed and this wouldn't have gone this far. Really, we should agree to never talk about our religious beliefs to each other again.

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