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The Battle of Fort Bragg (Free verse) by Dovina

I used to stand on grassy bluff of Fort Bragg’s ragged coast, observing the battlefield below— angry water versus steadfast land. Being young and full of motion, I sided with the sea. Attack was always quenched back then by strength of solid rock. Still I cheered the young and angry sea, and still it pounded. After many battles passed, some broken rocks, a lot of motion, I came again to grassy bluff, and looked from different view. Now memory moved, met solid desire, armies under different flags. Where before the rock was winning, the sea was breaking through. Gentle rolls still swelled in shallows near the shore, then toppled hard against the cliff. Resistance waned in longer view, Some rocks had slid away. Memory kept rolling in, breaking stone, dissolving need, taking it off in painful bits to spread beneath the sea.

ALChemy 9-Apr-06/7:03 PM
Name something that surely happens for no reason. Science is about finding reasons but apperantly that all goes out the window for you when one starts asking questions about things you don't have your own satisfying answer to. Do you think all that knowledge you've accumulated was always there? People had to go looking for it. They had to theorize and test theories. If everything else happens for a reason then why not the origin of the first thing. The whole idea that your theory is simpler than mine or someone elses is retarded. E=mc2 looks simple but it's not. I really would like to know what your theory is about what started it all and no whatchamacallit words are allowed this time.
Here's a better site for his theory:

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