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The Battle of Fort Bragg (Free verse) by Dovina

I used to stand on grassy bluff of Fort Bragg’s ragged coast, observing the battlefield below— angry water versus steadfast land. Being young and full of motion, I sided with the sea. Attack was always quenched back then by strength of solid rock. Still I cheered the young and angry sea, and still it pounded. After many battles passed, some broken rocks, a lot of motion, I came again to grassy bluff, and looked from different view. Now memory moved, met solid desire, armies under different flags. Where before the rock was winning, the sea was breaking through. Gentle rolls still swelled in shallows near the shore, then toppled hard against the cliff. Resistance waned in longer view, Some rocks had slid away. Memory kept rolling in, breaking stone, dissolving need, taking it off in painful bits to spread beneath the sea.

ALChemy 9-Apr-06/2:28 PM
I'm just saying that it's one thing to say we have no or very little concrete evidence that God exists and another to say well God just doesn't exist. Occam's Razor isn't really an argument against God's existence it's just an argument against making unjustifiable assumptions. There is a possibility that God exists, even more likely if he exists in a form beyond our comprehension. I like the idea of that. The idea that we aren't just here by accident and that things have a reason for being. Show me where science can truly answer the question "Why are we here?" and I'll eat YOUR hat. George Carlin had the best non-god answer: To make plastic. My only idea of what God is, is that God's the most satisfying answer to why are we here. Forget about all the collected myths around God, I'm talking about the basic concept of a being that might have created us and/or our universe. There may be a completely different set of physical laws in which that being might exist. I'm just saying what you think is imposible now me be child's play in the future. Don't be like the guy that said man will never fly and totally rule out the chance of God existing and I'll try not to preach any of my myths on people.

p.s. Yes I did read it. I just thought you'd find the magic bus line humorous. I've been dying to see Sarah Silverman's Jesus is Magic, haven't you?

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