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Behind the storm clouds, the moon consoles the sun.(edited) (Free verse) by ALChemy

Oh morning girl, let your tears fall. Though mother sky and father light are engaged in such a turbulent fight I will hold you safe by day or night, through thunder and through squall, through whatever fates befall. Come, ride on my shoulders Sunshine. Let us play in the midst of the rain. Let us ride out the storm and in time Let love and smiles heal pain.

god'swife 1-Apr-06/12:21 PM
#1 No it's not an actual play. It's just a humorous bit of writing I did to let off steam and practice being funny. It's undisguised sarcasm, or so I thought.

#2 Probably not.

#3 Because it's fun. Please, just tell me which poems.

#4 When I said that poem's a piece of crap i was refering to my poe"She Thinks She's Fat" and I already know why I think it's a piece of crap.

My IQ ten years ago was 180. I'm sure it's come way down since then. Why do you keep paperwork that proves your IQ? I wasn't using the word moron to say you're stupid, just thick-headed.

I gave a specific explanation on a public website. The comments are there for everyone to read. My manner is sometimes provincial but my character is not. I can't be a redneck because I am 'a person of color' as it were.

I never ever point out mis-spellings in comments, because i usually don't see them. If I can understand what your saying I don't care. I only point it out in poems because it makes a difference in how seriously the poem can be taken. in the comments it doesn't matter if you write your or you're in less it confuses things and it typically doesn't.

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