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Numbers In Heaven (Free verse) by Dovina

My name is 183, one of myriad, born in heaven, nestled eternally between two evens, and called, with affection, odd. Some of us are prime, numbers so perfect they were flung to distant worlds, if maybe there, their beauty too might be beheld. I take delight in knowing I am certain, fixed and real, never to be forsaken or replaced, unique, useful, unmatched and unmatchable. Pregnant with potential in Platonic minds, we odds alone, save the chosen 2, titillate their senses. Sometimes in anxious moments, Senses failing, in the wonder of it all, I feel an urgent sadness, imagine myself a figment of their god-like minds, a bipolar disturbance, perhaps a mere conveyance, no more than an assertion, a useful word. Then I feel contrived by them for pleasure and convenience, lovely only in their minds. But as the notion passes, I rest in heavenly peace, unequaled and real, fixed and founded, uniquely placed by God.

god'swife 22-Mar-06/10:49 PM
God is like a cat scratching at the bedroom window in the middle of the night forcing you to get up and let him in, because you assume that's the only way you'll ever get any rest. And then 5 minutes later he's begging to go back outside so you let him out knowing that if you don't he'll spray the brand new dress you bought and you won't notice it intil someone at the awards ceremony says 'What the hell is that god-awful smell'?! And then 30 minutes after you let the cat/god back out, just as you are beginning to fall into a deep sleep, he's scratching at the window again begging to be let in. So you let him in and you scream at him a little because otherwise you'd give him a swift sharp kick to the gut. He gives you this totally blank stare and you feel so guilty you take him to bed with you and he falls asleep curled up on your head sucking on the top of your left ear. of course you get absolutely no sleep, but the cat's happy.

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