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REM Sleep (Other) by mystic enoch

When I close my eyes I begin to have dreams. They glorify, mystify, sometimes even terrify me. But they have a deeper meaning. Coming from the depths of my soul their only goal is to make me better. Though I don't understand their ultimate plan. Each morning I arise with a great repose refreshed with each lesson learned. enoch2

ALChemy 20-Mar-06/2:06 PM
Yet another so called absurd God comparison. Certainly God could be a computer. In Isaac Asimov's "The Last Question." The story spans the entire existence of the universe, and the plot reveals the existence of God. In the near future, man has invented a super computer known as a Multivac. The computer is asked if entropy (the winding down or loss of energy in the universe) can be reversed. The computer says that not enough data is available. The story progresses many eons and through the years, the computers evolve along with man, and at each stage, it is asked if entropy can be reversed, and the answer always comes back that there is not enough data at that time. In the final stage, human kind has evolved into one mind free of body, and co-exists with the computer which exists in hyperspace. As the universe come to an end and man fades out, the computer discovers how to reverse entropy, and says "Let there be light.

To D.A.'s question: I'll know the same way you know you love your wife.

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