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Numbers In Heaven (Free verse) by Dovina

My name is 183, one of myriad, born in heaven, nestled eternally between two evens, and called, with affection, odd. Some of us are prime, numbers so perfect they were flung to distant worlds, if maybe there, their beauty too might be beheld. I take delight in knowing I am certain, fixed and real, never to be forsaken or replaced, unique, useful, unmatched and unmatchable. Pregnant with potential in Platonic minds, we odds alone, save the chosen 2, titillate their senses. Sometimes in anxious moments, Senses failing, in the wonder of it all, I feel an urgent sadness, imagine myself a figment of their god-like minds, a bipolar disturbance, perhaps a mere conveyance, no more than an assertion, a useful word. Then I feel contrived by them for pleasure and convenience, lovely only in their minds. But as the notion passes, I rest in heavenly peace, unequaled and real, fixed and founded, uniquely placed by God.

ALChemy 19-Mar-06/7:43 AM
I don't think I said art was frivolous but it seems the next step for those who feel God believing is a waste of time.
We once lived without art. It was a long time ago and life was pretty exciting back then, you know, running away from Sabertooth tigers and all that. Art and religion almost popped up hand in hand. Back then we understood love as an act of nature. It wasn't until we started philosiphizing about what it meant that we started adding all these mystical qualities to it. Sure you can say "I don't find love mystical at all" but then whatever kind of love poems would you write? Once they came up with a religion they had to represent it somehow so they invented stories and drew pictures and later on made statues. That's not the connection I'm really talking about. I'm talking about how most people romanticize about art, love and of course God. Does not love ask for your faith?(at least your faith that it's love) Does not art need that at least for the moment a little part of you believes in what you're seeing?

The art you seek is abundant. You just seem to be looking in the wrong place. The stuff you're "ranting" about is just a bunch of experimenters trying to be original and almost always failing horribly.

I think you said it best when you said life would get incredibly tedious if we didn't indulge in the fantastical and mystical impulses we have to make things better than what they really they are. Let our dreams be our blueprints.

"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, 'tis the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true." -Edgar Allan Poe

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