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Numbers In Heaven (Free verse) by Dovina

My name is 183, one of myriad, born in heaven, nestled eternally between two evens, and called, with affection, odd. Some of us are prime, numbers so perfect they were flung to distant worlds, if maybe there, their beauty too might be beheld. I take delight in knowing I am certain, fixed and real, never to be forsaken or replaced, unique, useful, unmatched and unmatchable. Pregnant with potential in Platonic minds, we odds alone, save the chosen 2, titillate their senses. Sometimes in anxious moments, Senses failing, in the wonder of it all, I feel an urgent sadness, imagine myself a figment of their god-like minds, a bipolar disturbance, perhaps a mere conveyance, no more than an assertion, a useful word. Then I feel contrived by them for pleasure and convenience, lovely only in their minds. But as the notion passes, I rest in heavenly peace, unequaled and real, fixed and founded, uniquely placed by God.

Ranger 19-Mar-06/4:21 AM
Art isn't frivolous, it is necessary for a fulfulling life. As I said - without indulging our creative impulses life would get incredibly tedious and a little pointless. Even on a personal level we are surrounded by art, even in the way we decorate our houses, the way we dress, the way we react to the natural world. I just don't see a direct link with God in art, nor do I personally find one necessary for an appreciation of the artist's skills. It's true that art makes the world a brighter place - and if you want to say that the propensity for creativity is something given to us by God (as a race) then I'm perfectly happy to go along with that. It makes good sense to me. But on an individual level I don't find the ordinary arts to be divinely inspired.

And this is where I go off on a rant about how art - and music - has become too technical, too abstract...and is, in my opinion, bordering on becoming frivolous. Art no longer even stirs any emotions - what am I supposed to think when confronted by half a cow? Or by a room with a light that constantly turns on and off? Or a canvas with a small blob of blue and nothing else? These say nothing to me. And whereas I'm not hyper-intellectual, I'm not stupid either - and if they're too abstract for me to appreciate after a bit of thought, then they aren't entertaining.

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