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Settling in (Other) by INTRANSIT

Winter is sliding in, I can hear it in the way the garage door squeals against it's track. The washer and dryer fight like brother and sister, my front door asks: "Whoooo are you?" The ceiling fan hums, whirrs and tinks a sconce. Turning the heat up, the motor shudders to a start; ducts bwong in approval. Still, there's one room that hoards the blankets and re- fuses to warm up. I make my way towards the bathroom as the floor groans adoringly, and the plumbing sings its' vibrato welcome as the tub fills slowly. I sink in and listen to the house pulling the siding tight.

Blue Magpie 13-Mar-06/11:07 PM
and whirrs and tinks a sconce

The two 'ands' stand out a bit unpleasantly,

I would also agree that that the anthropomorphism of the inanimate is a a bit distracting, especially 'adoringly'. It just doesn't seem very floorish, anyway if floors adore anything its plush carpet not the people who walk on it. Perhaps what you really have hear is a temporal throughback from the future, and echoe of the house where every part has its own personality, such as the doors somewhere in The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy

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