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happy, but cautious (Free verse) by hendrimike

this is not meant to be depressing to hear this is a shifting breeze that feels good to be near summer will be over soon the best months are ending with a crackle and boom this is a bell ringing down the street with a kid on a bike with arms of out-stretched wings this is a call to normalcy this is of how things should always be in the summer when the dusk calls you to dinner and dogs go swimming in lakes swallowing sunsets everything is okay it seems right now and i sit on the porch waiting for the news waiting for the alert of thunderstorms bringing the winter there is a cold front coming soon you see and i don't know when that will happen to me but for now i sit smiling in my shorts watching lightning bugs talk to each other near my porch

Dovina 4-Mar-06/9:56 AM
Yes, a Tennessee evening, tobacco tall, corn in from the field, all is well.

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