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Russian Roulette (Free verse) by <~>

Twenty years later, the first thing I notice Are your laughing eyes, laughing after everything Crazy, maybe... but surely kind (I didn't know about the accident) When you crack a smile, the cracks bleed true Leaking out the light behind colored blue blue blue let the sorrow through Everything will be True Your tears would have drowned his ghost had he ever appeared; instead they Dry in the wind as you ride home helmetless, alone He left you undone, still Laughing until that shot stopped everything; in the kitchen, ruined by that hole he blew and you never heard the crack but The recoil sent you sprawling He didn't leave a note or clean up his mess He left you with a toddler and a ring--between you Just all that blood The one you loved was gone before he left He took the bet Six chances to prove something Five held nothing for him One cashed in and Found what he was looking for

poetandknowit 9-Sep-02/11:31 PM
Not to be REPELLANT, but what kind of gun was this - could see kitchen through hole, but I guess the RR is referring to other things and not the actual act of the game, which is played with a revoler and most likely wouldn't make that kind of hole...well. I kind of like the idea of someone playing RR knowing the whole time they are going to play to lose. I don't know, you are describing an act from you view of a story from someone else and I kind of want to know the five knocks that pushed him to it. But that is another poem I guess. I also think the "mess" gives a clear image and "just the blood" goes overboard, but I suppose you are shooting for the double purpose, I am just not sure I like it.

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