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Moonlight Paradox (Free verse) by Glasseyez

Have you already forgotten the moonlight paradox in your sleep? Don’t worry, because another moon is not far away. So wake up to begin again your day. If life seems as a riddle now once more, just remember what you forgot about how you knew what when was then. This is, again, how the story will unfold: I will point, and you will miss the heavenly glory well told. Now dream another dream in moons midnight display, to awake in realization that- tomorrow never really is another day. Riddles in the past cause you to search outside to match the clues hidden within. The wise are wrong in this case it seems. Because what's seen is right, but they wrongly focus on the dreams. Is it Progress in motion or motion in progress? End only to begin, but you don’t see. 2 created 2 the sustaining I Am, both destroy each. Hate create love still, does why explains what? Moon- the shines above, from Sun of pure light. Listen-just; simple is it? 2 point in views change with Focus. All, it is equal even when changes. What Changes are as answers? Answers as are Changes, what Changes when even equal is it all. Focus with change, views in point 2; it is simple, just listen. Light, pure of sun from above- shines the Moon. What explains why does. Still, love create Hate. Each destroy both. Am I sustaining the 2? Created 2 see, don’t you? But begin to only End. It is Motion in progress and progress in motion. Does it Feel like you already read that verse? Is this and that all you gat, when trying to solve that life riddles curse? The moon begins to wake up when the sun falls asleep. Here we begin our search for truth, or luminescence through sleep. Where order seems confused like the moons reflected light that begins its end of easy meaning. Take your time, I Am forever repeating, this doesn’t have to be your first and last stare. I never knew why how many who has, knowing when was what, or now was when is, was, and will be so important in this land of simplistic mystery and intrigue until I myself had to read it again to believe. It's the song that sounds the same when read from behind, in the middle of this riddle a moonlight paradox that so few can find. To heaven's glory My finger will point soon, If you missed it the second time it's because you concentrated too much on the moon . So quiet your eyes and close your mind. Let the Sandman read you a moonlight riddle that has it's own kind’ a rhyme. In my paradox, you will find- that the only answers, outside, lie inside your mind. What is my Moonlight Paradox?

zodiac 12-Feb-06/12:59 PM
Paradoxes are overrated. What's more, there are no real paradoxes in life, just people who are surprised when the cliches they live their lives by don't hold up. My favorite part of this is, "does why explains what?"

Yes, it do.

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