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A Sheep’s Wish (Free verse) by Dovina

Born under Aries, you can call me ewe Rams batter (I’m flattered) bruising brothers with butts to garner my favor I bleat for the black one roll eyes at the spotted then gloat as their heads collide all the harder If they knew what I wanted they’d give up the struggle build nests like the thrush then sing me their songs I’d tour the neighborhood test furnishing and fur hear scratching of ramhorn then choose me a mate But my suitors keep butting like blood-sucking fleas who plant killer germs in animals they need Why can’t these rams do their work in the day gather nuts like the squirrel nectar like bees And remember when they like this lamb at my side had good homes for retiring and swim there like salmon He could mate with me there rest finally in peace ignoring the common sheep who can do as they please

Dovina 28-Jan-06/12:21 PM
Thanks, but I'm toying with a revision to improve the meter and rhyme. Maybe thei:

Born under Aries, you can call me ewe
Rams batter (I’m flattered)
bruising brothers with butts
to garner my favor

I bleat for the black one
roll eyes at the spotted
then gloat as their heads
collide all the harder

If they knew what I want
they’d give up the fight
build nests like the thrush
and sing at first light

I’d examine their dwellings
for comfort and view
hear scratchings of ramhorns
then bleat, maybe coo

But my suitors keep butting
like blood-sucking fleas
who plant killer germs
in animals they need

Why can’t these rams
go to work and stay busy
gather nuts like the squirrel
suck nectar like bees?

And remember when they
like this lamb at my side
though gone far as the salmon
come home with the tide

We could flee this herd
mate softly in peace
shun sheep without vision
who can fight if they please

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