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Nightfall (Villanelle) by Niphredil

I lie beneath a darkling cedar tree The branches swaying slowly to and fro As weather-worn caresses sigh to me. The gray-cloaked sky is all that I can see, Sketching shadow contours with a pale glow. I lie beneath a darkling cedar tree. And now that it is late and I am free, I cannot bring myself to turn and go Yet weather-worn caresses sigh to me. My thoughts float up from darkness silently And all of time does not suffice; although I lie beneath a darkling cedar tree. The day grows dimmer; daylight turns to flee, And in its wake fall silent wisps of snow As weather-worn caresses sigh to me. No prayers left to say; no ardent plea, Necessity had faded long ago. So soft beneath a snowy cedar tree As weather-worn caresses sigh to me.

zodiac 2-Jan-06/7:33 AM
I was trying to keep you from giving a poemranker post for an answer. Kerouac seems perfectly logical to me, mostly because reporting stream-of-consciousness is a perfectly logical thing to do, and that's obviously what Kerouac's doing. Yes, something like your quote above (or this one: "The taste / of rain / —Why kneel?") makes loose, unlogical "conclusions". But compare that with Niphredil's poem here and you can see how Kerouac gets away with it and Niphredil doesn't.

And anyway, a great way to get around having to be logical in poetry is to say 'I'm a Beat Poet' three times, then spin around and vanish.

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