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It's Time (Lyric) by PoeticXTC

It's time that makes us It's time which breaks us It's time we take responsiblity at hand. It's time that fakes us It's time which takes us It's time we all make a stand. It's time that heals us It's time which kills us It's time we find a cure. It's time that fills us it's time which steals us It's time we should all mature. It's time that fails us It's time which bails us It's time we survive on our own. It's time that hails us It's time which sells us It's time we should not be alone. It's time that finds us It's time which binds us It's time we come together as one. It's time that minds us It's time which blinds us It's time we light the way for the sun. It's time that sold us It's time which holds us It's time we put our dreams in range. It's time that molds us It's time which olds us It's time we give our lives a change. It's time that makes us It's time which breaks us It's time that fakes us It's time which takes us It's time that fills us It's time which steals us It's time that heals us It's time which kills us It's time that fails us It's time which bails us It's time that hails us It's time which sells us It's time that finds us It's time which binds us It's time that minds us It's time which blinds us It's time that sold us It's time which holds us It's time that molds us It's time which olds us It's time that we stop making excuses for our downfalls. It's time which we start making a reality of it all. It's time we stop blaming time, for wasted, on time we do not have. It's Time... It's Time!

zodiac 22-Dec-05/8:25 AM
Actually, sorry. I don't mean to give you a hard time. We thought for awhile you were gone. I'm sure I'm not alone in being glad you're back.

I should tell you I believe poets should avoid making large unsupportable pronouncements (ie, "Time is infinte").

SOMEONE'S OBVIOUS RESPONSE: You're saying poets shouldn't talk about time or infinite time! Your a dick!

ZODIAC: That's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying poets should talk about time being infinite in supportable, poetic ways. The easiest way I can think of is something like this:

The hobo said
"Time as infinite".
I didn't know what
to think about that, but then
I walked out under the stars and
it all seemed very infinite.
The end.

You see the difference? (Hint: Mine has hoboes.) Both my poem and the poem above leave you with the impression that time is infinite. But my example doesn't meatclub you in the head with the idea. Mine isn't susceptible to attack from people saying "time isn't infinte, your a clod". Mine supports its assertion, albeit rather sloppily, with the infiniteness of nature. Mine acknowledges that it's just opinion or feeling. Mine includes dramatic action, poetic imagery, metaphor.

SOMEONE: Your poem's not better. Your a dork.

ZODIAC: Mine is better. You don't know what you're talking about.

SOMEONE: This poem is true to PoeticXTC's true self and feelings. He shouldn't have to change that. Fuck u!!!!1!!1

ZODIAC: What, PoeticXTC's 'true self' is trumpeting vague unproveable truisms like "It's time which olds us" about and not ever considering, poetically or otherwise, that his idea might not be the correct one? I don't believe it. But if that's the case, then yes, I do think PoeticXTC should change *that*. QED.

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