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After the Storm (Free verse) by somemorepoetry
Telephone wires stretched out over the asphalt.
Harsh wind. Storms killing for more.
We found an overturned basket of apples
Spilled out between the split-ends of downed branches
Tumbled into the gutter.
We tackled big questions and walked south
Until the river found us. Streamside pebbles,
Tree roots leaping from the bank to the bottom,
Leaving catfish behind when the stream
Goes again with the breeze.
Ripples where we kicked in stones and the sound
Of sinking. Bones, I said, it reminds me of bones.
Like someone bleeding, dragged here fresh dead
And shoved in to rest in the silt from the north
Fields grown tired with potatoes.
We stuck toes in at the very edge, watched
Picket fences slip away towards the coast,
Twirling and dying in distance, becoming
Scratches on the surface of the water,
Marks of man washed away.