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Bri's Room (not done) (Free verse) by Sunshine Conkey

A little girl named Bri had an awful lot of stuff she saved and saved it but it wasn't enough. She put it in a closet and stacked it on the floor But even when her room was filled She wanted more and more. One day while playing She wanted her special pen to draw her favorite doll. But after looking everywhere, she couldn't find them at all.

ALChemy 13-Dec-05/12:55 PM
Making conclusions from polls and stats is shaky. Were the IQ tests written or oral(most likely written if on a national scale)? I scored 30 points higher on my oral IQ test than on my written. Like I said, shaky.
I think you'll find as life teaches you over the years that the average number of rich dumb people to rich poor people is about the same as it is with poor or middle class folks. Ther are so many factors that go into intelligence that to make any big deal out of just one of them as if it's a major factor is just silly.
Lincoln, Einstein, Da Vinci, Poe and even Edison were from poor or middle class at best origins. If anything the most influencial people in the world tended to be born middle class.
Most likely because they had access to education but weren't spoiled into complacency.
Darwin can tell you why Americans appear to be smarter than the Japanese. That and most of the smartest Japenese people move to America and become Americans thus increasing our IQ.

Don't get me wrong. Money certainly is an important factor and motivation for knowledge but it's like saying you're less of a man when you don't have a wife when you say your poor so you're likely to be dumb.

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