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War (edit) (Free verse) by zodiac

Sensible in most things, Girlie buys foil packs of yeast whenever she shops. She has certain assumptions when it comes to – but what would you call it? – husbandry, I guess, an Order of Things: a dog, a made bed, a centerpiece, more yeast than a whole year of baking would use. And, no, it makes no difference the yeast’s alive, for it is very small. A thousand, a million lives, I’ve read, but then they are so small. So neat, so desiccant, saved for some use I can't imagine: to trip my hands, maybe, looking among stacked bins of flour, soda and sugar for, I forget just what, for something edible, then. Or say for one great final baking-day. Or say we keep our peaces, the kitchen of our love as fertile, as earth-pungent, as new graves, as a bombed field. And yet we have no bread.

LilMsLadyPoet 12-Dec-05/8:25 PM
Zodiac...does that mean bigotry IS psychosis? Or only if it is 'extreme bigotry'?
Is 'non-extreme bigotry' not, then, considered psychotic? Could you please define 'normal bigotry' as opposed to 'extreme bigotry'? Or at least inform us to what extent of bigotry one would have to exibit to be considered considered 'extreme', and therefore warrant the use of said psychotic drugs? Is the implication that only inmates are capable if 'extreme' bigotry? Or only that they should be given anti-psychotic drugs for it? (AND, did they know they were being treated? And, if so, has the placebo affect been ruled out?)
Could you please define "relieved"?
Does this mean that we should put anti-psychotic drugs in the water supply in the South? I am sure it would be covered under the 'patriot act', and no one would ever have to know...and then we could all live much happier... and more relieved.

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