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Haven (Free verse) by cyan9

While silver fruit rots on trees Forage the dry earth, now breath. Shadows coil, twist and yearn, Cogs burr and bats stir in the eaves. Piercing eyes stare from cracks Splits in beams holes in the shack, Voyeurs of the dead machines, Voyeurs in a shed unseen. Hurt dwindled like little burns, little scars, An eye for machinery, an eye fixated upon the stars, Silver by nature, silver by nurture, Silver in the head silver once dead. Clamps and forceps, medical vices held by Wires writhing beneath the leaves, Bonding with smoke like solder, A cloud of love for autumn's disease, A cloud of love for autumn's beauty.

cyan9 17-Nov-05/3:08 AM
I will take this as a less than serious addition to the less than serious slanging match that we have had, which, irritating and amusing as it has been, should end soon. I have written the response below in retort to the argument that you have given in jest here, rather than you (much as it does use the word ‘you’).I do not expect a response.

This argument is invalid and is a form of submission. You have fielded your uncertainty in yourself by not stating your degree. You have fielded your uncertainty in yourself by not fielding an argument; instead you have tried to force people to believe that your un-stated arguments are more valid, by trying to imply that you have an accolade that you may or may not have received. I have two problems with this:

(i) There is no way of verifying your degree status on the internet; and thus it must be considered invalid. The validity must come from mutual acceptance of the argument.
(ii) By putting yourself at a point at which you believe that your opinions are more valid, since you have a degree, you show that you do not question your own validity in this area, and thus are less credible than a person who does.

I would also query the suggestion that having a degree in an area conventionally considered creative may lead to enhanced appreciation of creativity, especially from what I have seen of so called Doctors in these fields. I would state that from my own personal experience, creativity and its appreciation comes from a combination of self-expansion, pro-activity within ones mind, and humility; most certainly not from time spent in the classroom following curriculum alone. Those that field this kind of argument are revealing that they have placed themselves higher than everyone else, without nothing of substance beneath them, in order to hold them, or break their fall.

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