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Eternity (Free verse) by Dovina

What shall I do After I die? Newport Shores? A lot with a view? Close to Fashion Island? As in real estate It’s location location location Her condition’s going down I heard them say But the opposite is true Strength and vigor exhausted A good sign Draws a satisfying vision Up to Mt. Nebo I’ll go No earthly Canaan for me Upward, onward!

zodiac 26-Oct-05/5:48 AM
Yeah, you're so casual about the matter you can't stop yourself from calling everyone who's bothered mentioning your poem's technical clumsiness a, um, what's your expression? oh, a disagreer.

For example,
WILCO: I think the last half kills it.
DOVINA: You probably like the joking part and object to the belief.

ZODIAC: Change that to something less totally didactic and wood-tongued.
DOVINA: You are simply disagreeing with the Christian position that “To die is gain.”

ALCHEMY: I know you're taking what the doctors are saying out of context but it's a bit confusing.
DOVINA: You say BOO because it seems contradictory. But for a Christian, Blaaaaaaaaaat.

In other words, none of us cares to discuss the doctrinal part. Maybe YOU care to discuss it because it's like the third time you've totally flipped on the matter since coming to poemranker and you're rather proud of yourself (rather than, say, wondering if your such a total sack of contradictions you mightn't just fly apart at any moment.) Personally, we're bored with the matter. You don't believe me. Whatever. It's old news.

What I DO care to discuss is the annihilation of the self into God. If you're not going to discuss that with me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go somewhere else. Now I'll start.

ZODIAC: If (as only seems reasonable) the soul is incorporated into God at the instant of death, so that all, say, the imperfect parts of zodiac are burned away and what's left is only perfection and God-love, can I really say zodiac (ie, the part of zodiac that makes him zodiac) "survives death" or experiences heaven in any meaningful way?

If (as only seems reasonable) I become some perfect-and-totally-different eternal zodiac, will I really care?

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