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A Meadow, Among Other Things (Free verse) by Enkidu
I came upon a green, grassy, meadow.
I sat and enjoyed it for awhile.
Then shards of glass rained down upon me.
I felt the heat of a savage wreck.
A plane hurtled by me,
Crashing violently into the forest wall.
People tried to escape:
Choking on smoke people,
Burning alive people,
People with mangled limbs,
Crying and dying people.
Animals from the forest leapt;
They snagged bits here and there.
Climbing into the twisted cabins,
They pulled at hair and flesh
And they chased down the survivors.
Weak ones echoing screams
That ripped through the valley.
I watched this and ate my meal,
Wondering how anyone could be so lucky,
To sit and enjoy for awhile,
Such a green, grassy meadow.