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Rejuvenation (Free verse) by Dovina

She sat before the easel, mixing oils on a palette. The scene we both were looking at was the scene I wrote on pad. Her strokes and colors by impression from somewhere in her mind. My words described the daffodil— hard, like yellow polished steel. Together we made our impressioned strokes for so delicate a plant. Both had said before we started, a flower has but one true role. But with so many other traits, let’s give it something more. We’re past the stage of bearing kids, let’s take the flower’s goal, And change the two from making seeds to making weak things strong.

Dovina 24-Sep-05/7:56 AM
First, allow me to express appreciative humility on having so affected your life that your esteem of me has reduced to becoming ashamed. Such feelings don’t arise from casual acquaintance over an internet exchange, but rather from deep affection such as between brother and sister or father and daughter.

God does indeed know what I use hammers for, as do I. That’s because we both understand the context, wider or narrower as you wish, of my purpose in using them. It’s kind of like the way a worm understands the purpose for its existence. It may think of the next meal or the next intercourse, but really its purpose as God and I see it is to reproduce. Granted, God may see other purposes, being wiser than I. I’m sorry you cannot understand this as well as the worm does.

To God, our purpose is to worship Jesus, as you say, but not for a ticket to Heaven. In fulfilling our purpose to the glory of God and in the continuance of mankind, it is necessary for us to reproduce, to eat, to live long enough to reproduce, to keep from freezing, and other purposes.

I realize this is an incomplete description of life, and hope its brevity will encourage you to seek more knowledge.

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